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onsdag 27. juni 2012

Show love

I beg you all, 

please show the love you feel 

for each other, 

for your children and family, 

for your loved one, 

for your friends.

Express it in every possible way you can 

in this cruel world. 

Take care of humanity, 

the victims of violence and war,

light candles for the lost ones, 

and for the living. 

You must all see se beauty, 

even if there are tons of sorrow. 

Believe in goodness, 

believe in light, 

even if there is darkness.

Please show that you care, 

the tragedy this weekend shows us 

how very important it is, 

to fight against the bottomless sadness

we all are a part of. 

Please do, to honour the memory 

of the dead 

and to take care of those 

who are badly hurt. 

Just do, I beg you all. 

25.7.11 WenChe

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